Monday, February 3, 2014


Hi, I am Valerie and Welcome to my food blog!
I love to cook and I love to create my own things.
I use recipes more so for a guideline, but I hardly ever use one exactly they way it says, unless I am baking then it is a MUST!.
I hope you enjoy my recipes with my own touch.  

A few things to note,
I hate cooking meat, so if I do 90% of the time it will  be done in the crock-pot (it really is your best friend).
Most the time I will leave cooking meat to my stud of a Husband. 
Every once in a while I force my husband to eat fish.
My 3 year old was born a vegetarian, no matter how much we try she will not eat meat and if she does she throws it up. 
My 1 year old on the other hand eats EVERYTHING.
I don't use a lot of measurements (sorry) 
I hate doing the dishes, but they must be done.

Writing is not my thing, so forgive me.

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